Category: Articles and opinions

A church for the community. A church for you. A church to the glory of God

Finding God

This is what should concern us the most: how is my love for God? Despite my day-to-day questions, am I still trying to strengthen my friendship with Him? (…)
“Nothing is more practical than finding God,
than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination,
will affect everything.”

Is my house a prison or a refuge?

“We are not always masters of the unfolding of our lives, but we can always be masters of the meaning we give them” (Jacques Philippe)

As we begin a second lockdown, we are highlighting this article written at the beginning of the first one. May it provide solace and peace to the readers.

An Oasis of Hope: the Cenacalo Community at Medjugorje

In October 2019 members of the Coventry Catholic Deanery visited Medjugorje in Bosnia Herzegovina. Part of the pilgrimage involved a visit to a Cenacalo Community House; one of many worldwide founded by Mother Elvira Petrozzi in 1983 to provide welcome and hope for young people struggling with addiction, alcohol or substance misuse. In Community young…
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