Vision and mission

A church for the community. A church for you. A church to the glory of God

Our vision: a generous community

St Joseph the Worker cannot be understood without its parishioners and the wider community. We want to impact the lives of those who come through our doors, in many ways. Our vision is…

  • For every individual to be transformed in Christ, for the service of God and others.
  • For everyone who comes through the doors to experience a welcoming community.
  • For the parish to be a generous, outward looking community.
  • For a dynamic, engaging and joyful atmosphere that motivates people to get involved.

Our mission: that they may have life…

We are a parish with a clear identity and purpose: to be a community formed by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus, for the glory and praise of God and the service of His Kingdom, and also for the mutual up-building and support of its members. Here you will always find a welcoming hand.

The core message that we feel called to live is contained in Jesus’ words:

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full

John 10:10

We strive to live it by means of our activities and in our relationships:

  • Celebration of the sacraments: baptism, Eucharist, confession, the anointing of the sick, and marriages.
  • Community events: our traditional summer BBQ, Carol Service, Christmas raffle, coffee mornings or singing for fun.
  • Charitable work: through several initiatives, including our annual Christmas fundraising for a local charity and an overseas development charity.
  • Spiritual and catechetical reflections, including prayer groups.
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